Jan 7, 2009

No Reason - Reason Nai

As the makabunas say .... but why ?


More expenses , no one to administer infrastructure ... how frightening. So why do we pay our rates ?

And whats the bet that we see more Military Fat Cat Officers benefit? And in the meantime overseas Aid to the tune of $8 Million that would have benefitted us in our communities go begging. Shame !

Fiji Local Government members forced to vacate office

Updated Tue Jan 6, 2009

Representatives of Fiji's municipal governments want the interim government to either delay, or dismiss a decision to force their elected leaders to vacate office at the end of January. Last year the interim government decided to shorten local government terms from four to three years, at which time councillors and mayors will have to vacate office. The deadline is the end of the month.

Pacific Correspondent Campbell Cooney

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of no reasons , check this article out - now THIS is scary : http://www.islandsbusiness.com/fiji_business/index_dynamic/containerNameToReplace=MiddleMiddle/focusModuleID=18519/overideSkinName=issueArticle-full.tpl