How dare this woman tell us what to do in our own country.
We, the citizens of Fiji would like you Sharon to go back to where you came from.
Quickly, and soon for you will not ever be missed.
And we are being polite ... for now.
Inspired by Intelligentsiya I am joining in Fiji's fight to retain our freedoms of choice in life - before we know it our freedoms will be taken away and what we take for being normal is really not. We must guard against this at all times and fight to retain what can never be suppressed! A government that knowingly and deliberately violates people’s rights loses the moral authority to demand obedience.
Well said Bubu . How obnoxious are all these types the regime has gathered to its bosom... thats if there is such a thing as a bosom - its more like a collection of excreta.
How apt Di Bu but i really think the time for politeness is long over.
Question that must be asked is why Australia continually allows this cretin AUS citizen unrestricted travel?
Again raises the question of why Australia allows this media whore unresticted travel?
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