The 25th and 26th of February 2008 marks VERY SAD days for freedom of speech and the individual human right to free expression in Fiji with the bullying tactics demonstrated by Fiji's petty-minded military dictatorship when they took the Editor of the Fiji Sun away from his family under cover of darkness and deposited him on a plane out of Fiji.
In the daylight they will probably come out with a statement that reads something like this : "Russel Hunter was deported from Fiji because he breached his work permit conditions"
Well well well - a few hours after posting this comment, what did I tell you ??? - here is the predicted "statement" :

So predictable eh ! So then whats the bet that Full chow whispered something about "incitement" in Naupote and Eveli's ears after Bainipajamas phoned him about a flea in his ear? Hmmmm .... wonder who that flea might be?)
IN ADDITION , showing himself to be a bare faced liar like the rest of them, Naupoto when asked, claimed to know nothing.
His iMinister Eveli Ulugaga claimed to know nothing.
Qiqilala the Military mouthpiece claimed also to know nothing.
Na maqe ga na maqe eh ?!
Well I must say I do look forward to hearing more from Mr Hunter once he gets to Australia about the EXACT story.
Ok whats next ?
I predict Rabo will be taken in for questioning. Netani will be followed 247 and his phone, house and office bugged. Hunter's wife will be tortured up at the Gestapo. The illegal Fiji TITFORTAT outift will be trying very hard to make mud stick to LQ as part of their overall scheme to try and pin anything just anything onto SDL - all to deflect attention away from Chodohoho.
Stay tuned folks for the next episode in Baini's bipolar vision of the Fiji - the way the world should be.
The good to come out of all this is that the iIG has once again shat in their own nest and confirmed what everybody else knows - they have NO credibility, they lie like troopers, and if they seriously expect everyone to believe it was all about "cleanup", they must like living amongst bullshit.
This act of gross stupidity has been plastered all over the afternoon papers and on the TV all over Australia and NZ here. Dua na ka na madua vei keitou.
Another day of shame for Fiji. I am still struck by the truth in the year old poster on your page depicting the finger of the Fijian Hitler esp No.8.
Vinaka Bubu for another great posting. Yes, we agree with you all the way:
First, the Fiji Times is to be congratulated for its fearless journalism, something we were quick to do on our own site. The FT is also to be congratulated for throwing open their online Your Comments on the burning issues that their journalism has highlighted.
And they are big enough to suffer the slings and arrows of the likes of Nikhil Singh and his range of persona supporting CHODOPU$$, who in the past couple of days have taken full advantage of the Fiji Times' openness and even-handed approach to savage Netani.
Second, it's bloggers like Jean d'Ark that help lift this vital cyberspace discussion to considerably greater heights of cool reason, intelligent analysis and insightful commentary.
In turn, as we have seen time and time again, that high-quality blogs make other bloggers lift their game and, as you know, real interchange and thought-sharing follows. What would we do without J d'A?
For our own part, following Frank's amazing performance at his Sunday press conference we decided to act on some information we have been gathering and open our Forum to the subject: Is Fiji's dictator mentally ill?
The decision to do this was not taken lightly. As you would know, in the spirit of democracy and the right of every human to his or her personal dignity, we have always been restrained when others have been anything but.
However, our decision was based on our own close study of Bainimarama plus a bit of research and a consultation with a psychologist who examined the information we had put together/ which included a some television material, but particularly that interview with NZ television, which he did after he threw out the NZ ambassador.
As it turned out, on the basis of all we presented to him, the psychologist (a most friendly Canadian n who was attending a conference in Australia) said he was "almost 100 per cent sure" Frank had a problem and it look very much like he was bipolar. Apparently all the key indicators are there: for example, the grandiosity, the seemingly morbid self-preoccupation, the sudden mood swings.
So, it will be interesting to see if anyone has some serious views on the subject. As usual, we'll moderate any racist or vulgar input.
Again, thanks. We at FDN are always looking forward to what (an anything but) discombobulated bubu is going to say next.
And equally as predictable, now they're off again to play a few war games in order to try and show their might - certainly NOT their mental might.
The only think interesting about Frank and his hangers-on is as a text book case study in the behaviour of tinpot narcissist pathetic little dictators. This one though must be feeling REALLY inadequate.
I’ve just seen on the Fijian TV news that the jaundiced junta disobeyed a high court order stopping the deportation of Russell Hunter.
It will be interesting to see if anyone is charged for disobeying this directive.
FDN: Like the Canadian you referred to, there are many who have come to the same conclusion.
The bi-polar label carries a multitude of connotations and characteristics - one might suggest that it is the "politically correct" label we now assign in order not to further alienate those with a "disability".
Bubu's previous post on the malignant narcissist way back when is still on the mark.
Whatever it is, the man IS ill and should not be running a military orgnisation - he is dangerous because the signs are that his illness is getting worse with the stress of failure (i.e. things are not going as easily to plan as he thought they might have).
Were he to be going through a personality test now for recruitment purposes in such a position elsewhere, he'd more than likely not cut the mustard.
I'd argue he has demonstrated (regularly and publicly) many signs of the disorder.
I agree that in some ways it is not helpful to denigrate the man because of a disability, but on the other hand many of the negative outbursts on blogs do serve as an outlet for frustrations that might otherwise manifest themselves in ways that could be a lot worse.
There are signs that Frank is not the only one either.
One can see certain worrying signs in Shaista - worrying only because of her position, her apparent like of weaponry, and her inability to accept critical analysis even when offered constructively. Even her own sister is known to have referred to her as "mad".
Those of us that have been on the planet a while and been in a position to have witnessed the behaviour of contempories with drug abuse problems over a long period can draw similarities between certain charcteristics of the "bipolar illness", and those of "pot heads" and "P Freaks". That is NOT necessarily to suggest any cause and effect but Frank's behaviour is often akin to that of a fried brain P Freak, and Shaista's akin to a long term pot head. In both cases, the powers of reasoning are not that flash.
To the green goons who are puppets to chaudhry the snake
please not the use of the word “DICTATOR” in the following press release.
“” Kevin Rudd and his New Zealand counterpart, Helen Clark, yesterday savaged the regime of Fijian dictator Frank Bainimarama for expelling Mr Hunter, who said on Tuesday night he believed he was being punished because the Fiji Sun had exposed alleged financial corruption involving Fijian Finance Minister Mahendra Chaudhry. “”
For a great pictorial review of the drastic situation in Fiji, go to
Make sure you take a look at
for another great expose on the close relationship between chaudhry the cheat and his puppet bananasinpyjamas
Wananavu ga na taba lasa. Vinaka tinana. LOL as the makabunas say.
FDN in response I must say that in the beginning, a group of Doctor friends based in Suva & Lautoka got together for an informal chat where this topic was discussed. Many of us know or had known Voreqe including myself when he was just a wipper-snapper of a deckhand in the Navy . Based on our collective observations my clinical friends were quite convinced then that Frankie was going to Hollywood in his head thus the posting that was made. That is the history of that post.
To this day, and from some of the group that still have the chance to observe said person from a distance, we believe it was pretty correct.
And it is a very grave worry for all of us that have to live here under this neurotic paranoid influence.
It must be catchy since Full Chow Telenitubby, Ganilala, the Shameemis, Aiyarsi and all the "top brass" seem to have caught it.
Perhaps it is in the water? Noooooo - forgot there IS NO water in the taps. Hmmmm.....
Must it is on the toilet paper in Govt Buildings? Oh forgot, there IS NO toilet paper in Govt Buildings.
Hmmm - maybe one has to promulgate an ACT or a decree after hours to HUNT it down! Ahah !! Acha - maybe that is it?
Maybe its the media's fault? Dr Anthony certainly seems to think so.
Hmmmmm I DO seriously wonder how you catch this thing ?
BUT lucky Beddoes just missed out on getting this virus eh ?
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