On behalf of the Fiji Freedom Bloggers and the majority of good and noble up-standing Fijian citizens we wish to say Bula Vinaka to you.
Our simple wish is to reclaim our democratic, civil and human rights that have been taken from us by force.
We also wish to see the military thugs headed by Bainiramarama relinquish power and face the consequences of their actions .
The military regime has in a few short months brought much misery to Fiji. and we can only imagine the appalling immoral and aggressive behaviour which you may have been subjected to today in the meeting with Fiji's bullies.
Tomorrow you will both have meetings with other important stakeholders in Fiji and you will be hearing that you MUST continue with the smart sanctions because they are working very well.

The military thugs and their lackeys are indeed finding it very hard to operate and peddle their evil propoganda because of the fact they cannot travel.
They are starting to find out that Fiji is not an island that can stand alone.
Fiji is part of the world. Surprise, surprise, and they are just starting to get it ...... that Fiji's people and it's economy cannot exist on their propoganda alone.
God bless you two gentlemen and the rest of the Pacific Island Ministers here.
May you be successful in your Fiji venture and in your noble endeavors to bring to the Fijian people some resolution to the mess we find ourselves in.
Winston nice bola ... good to see you here
There are some good articles in the dailies today regarding the sanctions
There ya go Bubs - accolades from FDN. Experience in this day and age does count for something. It enables the experienced to see the bleeding obvious.
Unfortunately there are those (such as Frank, Shaista, Bubba and others) still struggeling and trapped in their childhood that it will take a while.
Unfortunately there are 1 or 2 cargo cult "chiefs" endoured only with lineage that might go along with bullshit - but rest assured they are a minority
@Tim you are so right. Bubu worry nai karo. There is indeed a God. The same one the Methodists are praying to right now.
Our God is a merciful God and sometimes he can seem to be distant but I for one believe he is listening to all of our prayers from this nation of ours.
Woe unto the men in this junta who have learned to sin deliberately, and to measure out iniquity as if it were a lawful merchandise, to be weighed by the ounce and the pound!
They cannot plead violence of passion, or feebleness of judgment. For them there will be reserved the deeper hell, though they think they are escaping present condemnation.
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