In the past few days I have seen many people left with nothing except for the clothes on their backs.
The Red Cross is doing a wonderful job, and those of us who are fortunate enough to have a few cents lying around should donate to either the Fiji Times appeal:
Go into any ANZ bank : Fiji Flood Appeal account (No. 10087832). The bank will issue you a receipt.
OR Phone the Fiji Red Cross Society directly on 331 4133 or go and see them in Suva at 22 Gorrie Street in Suva, or here in Lautoka phone Emosi Sakaturu: 666 4072 or go and see them at 1 Vomo Street, Lautoka or if you are in Labasa phone the Labasa peple on 881 1139 or 881 8628.
Vinaka vakalevu to all those overseas govts that have donated to the Non Government Organisations for disaster relief.
People can be assured that in the hands of the Red Cross etc, these funds are transparent and will be accountable, unlike the illegal regime's fund for devious means and allsorts; speaking of which, it is best not to donate to Bainimarama's disasterous fund as that purse goes into the bottomless Military Regime kitty for teams of insignificant individuals doing needless tours around the country with no purpose except to irritate the kutusebe.
Classic news item today which made me want to spew
"Cabinet was told that a three-phase disaster management process undertaken in such situations included the Initial Situation Overview (ISO), Initial Damage Assessment (IDA) and (Detail Sectoral Assessment (DSA)"
Woilei mada , while the DUSIDUSI is going on the military is only worried about their KOSA and the DOSI's and the KUSA's and the DOCE's keep on with the MODRI's.
Boci's ! Get off your fat military arses and pick up rubbish, dredge the bloody rivers and fix the goddam infrastructures to help our people!
For the information of the illegal, incompetent, insecure and ill little twerp of a pretending ag, Australia is well prepared to help the flood victims of Fiji and to help with rebuilding.
There are naval vessels and personnel nearby which are ready to respond immediately a request is made.
These ships carry helicopters and food and other supplies which COULD have been delivered helps to isolated villages many days ago if only bananasinpyjamas had enough sense to realise that he is floundering like a fish out of water.
This is another test of leadership under pressure and he has failed very, very badly.
All bananas had to do was to ask; relief for the people would have been available almost immediately.
But NO; the dictator has to puff out its pigeon chest and pretend that he is having a MAD HATTER tea party to sort it all out.
Australia is not prepared to give money to a military dictatorship which would use same for purchasing more weapons instead of providing food and shelter for the people.
The similarities between the green goons in Burma last year and the gangrenous green goons in Fiji today are enormous. Both illegal juntas want to hide their atrocities from the free world.
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