This brave, stoic lady who I have admired for a very long time held out for the pursuit of the truth and demonstrated a relentless belief in justice and the guidance of her Lord in that quest.
In her journey filled with sorrow and heartache, I have watched her face line prematurely with her inner grief but I have also seen, with a heart full of pride, a groundswell of such support and encouragement for her mission from the community far and wide that it is palpable, heartfelt and serves to give us hope.
I cannot imagine her personal and family suffering since late January 2007 when Sakiusa passed from this earth at the hands of callous murderers in uniform. Uniforms that are supposed to protect us from harm. Uniforms that continue to be a source of mistrust and fear.
This is not the way of a society that we exist in. As the Fiji Times editorial says today " Members of the security forces must remember now, more than ever before, that their most important duty is not to follow orders – it is to follow the law."
I couldn't agree more!! This lady sees justice has been done - EVEN though a mansaughter conviction and a sentence of 4 years for a death of a loved one at the hands of a NUMBER of cowardly assholes 'only following orders' is the sentence of someone weighing up the goods presented (Goundar).
I said before I think he woosed out, but at least he did the right thing.
If you want to make comparisons, like most people do - this woman is a hero.
She stands amongst all those heros "pre-Frank", Driti and others before the reputation was shat on.
This junta really is weasel piss!
Hear, hear D-Bu!!
More Power to you Mrs Rabaka and your family.
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