Leweni-noni aka Kernel Bandmaster wants desperately to beat the sanctions imposed upon members of the military regime and their supporters and go and live in NZ ... hahahahahahahahahahaha ..... strewth !
S'cuse me while I get up off my ibe.
These people have got to be joking !
NZ and Australia do recognise that the sanctions ARE working - they were designed to impose travel restrictions upon the illegals that are now proclaiming themselves to be Fiji's legitimate rulers .. the same illegals that continue to be extremely miffed that they are not allowed the freedoms that they themselves have imposed upon the Fijian people.
There will be a huge outcry in both NZ and Australia amongst the Fijian people that reside in those countries if NZ accede to this ridiculous demand by Bainimarama and his plotters. But of course this won't happen and here are the reasons why :
Mr Leweni - Neumi , before and since the coup of 2006 has been responsible for and answerable to the following events:
- The hatching of the coup plan in 2006 and collaboration with Bainimarama and other treasonous officers of the Fiji Military.
- Inapropriate and Seditionous mutterings well before the 2006 Coup. Lying about the 2006 coup being a coup.
- Collusion with Bainimarama prior to the 2006 coup in firing military officers who refused to take a personal oath to Bainimarama.
- The endorsement of and participation in the orchestrated deportation of (amongst others):
- Senior Journalists : Russel Hunter, Michael Field, Barbara Dreaver, Sia Aston, Rex Gardner, Evan Hannah , Robert Wolfgramm, and Sean Dorney.
- Diplomats : Michael Green, Caroline McDonald, James Batley, Todd Cleaver
- Academics: Brij Lal and his wife
- Heading the continuing censorship of all media, media outlets and media journalists on Fiji. Supporting the continued suppression of media by force.
- Deciding that the Fiji Times and Fiji TV would not be part of any consultations about military media decrees. Aiding and abetting the continued detention of journalists and web journo's
- Accused Aust, UK and the USA of foreign invasion and supported the unecessary call-up of reserves.
- Supported the round-up of innocent Fiji citizens and their interrogations and subsequent torture sessions.Responsible for the continuing threats to ordinary citizens in Fiji - his threats began in January of 2006 - way before the coup of 2006 which shows this man's involvement with Bainimarama, in the plot to overthrow the legitimate government .
- Together with Esala Teleni, illegally& forcibly against instructions of Fiji's then Police Commissioner Andrew Hughes, seized a consignment of ammunition from the Suva wharf.
Later he produced a piece of paper which was proved to be forged document. - Responsible for the mass sacking of civil servants without evidence, despite saying that he had proof (which he has never produced)
- Had knowledge of and colluded with the illegal raiding of public offices to remove official documents for the purpose of destroying them.
- Obstructed civil and human rights by instructing Air Fiji and other aviation and shipping companies not to transport Qarase , and others, to and from their villages and homes.
- Inhibited the rights of media by directing that Fiji TV and Fiji Times not broadcast any statements by Qarase, and others not sympathetic to the junta.
- Actively participated in the decision to stop all pensions to those who speak out about the regime.
- Actively encouraged the arbitary sacking of 15 employees of the Suva City Council whom he suspected of blogging.
- Lied about the reasons magistrates were sacked.
- Actively pursued the clamping down of the Methodist Church in Fiji and its annual Conference activities
- Supporting the arbitary arrests and subsequent witch hunts of Methodist Church Leaders, Prominent Chiefly Leaders and other good citizens
- Continuing the blatant repression of human rights in Fiji.
- Lying about Richard Naidu's bashing and detention. Collusion in the on-going intimidation of Human Rights Activists Imrana Jala, Shamima Ali, Graeme Leong, Ratu Saki Tuisaloa, Virisila Buadromo amongst others.
- Aiding and abetting in the intimidation of lawyers, womens activists, and Young Democracy Activists from YPCN.
- Assisting in the cover up of the murders of Fiji Citizens Verebasaqa, Rabaka and Malasebe and arbitary beatings of many others.
- Treason
That about sums it up nicely Bubu. But then there might actually be some benefit in taking up the post where his safety cannot actually be guaranteed. From a diplomatic perspective, its a very bad idea all round.
But then often NZ Foreign Policy hasn't been too concerned with the bleeding obvious.
He'd make a better representative to Nauru, or perhaps Guantanamo Bay
Actually I've always considered Leweni to be part of the "Silly Triad". That triad is composed of Driti, Leweni and Bainimarama.
Outside of it (and manipulating it) we have an elite wing - composed of the likes of the Shameens, Bubba el al camp inconspicuatos, and Aziz - patronised by the likes of Gates and some chruch members.
These are those that prattle on about neo-colonialism and all sorts of other bulsch to justify themselves - most times practicing the very programme they citicise.
Then we have an opportunist wing, which when you look at it is comprised of every and anyone that sees an earn in propping up egos.
Unfortunately this wing even includes supposedly smart people in academia, but also idelogues that but for circumstance can't rub together one original idea with another. This wing includes Sami and the Tarana gang. Conscience, compassion, and all those sorts of things are completely foreign objects.
The best they can all hope for is that they're not the Ceausescu's of the 21st Century, but I suspect they might be. It's probably what gives Frank his occasional heart murmur - probably what will kill him. Oh Dear! How sad!
We should consider this though - when we look at the Muff's brilliant foreign policy skills:
Muff likes an easy life. Nothing too hot to handle, no issue to large to deal with - just so long as I can get the Jane or some other spin meister to put all the bullshit in place to make me look good (correction - look OK - looking good is NEVER going to be an option).
But then Bubu, that's only ONE of the issues you've outlined in your post.
Awwww, guffawwww ummmm errr ummm errr. Muff and the Bandmaster might actually get on JUST FINE.
Now... if only he could find a way of dealing with that issue of security. (I know - we'll pass a law)!
Bravo DeBu! A very thorough list of Leweni's actions under the regime, each of which shows the kind of character we are talking about here.
God bless Fiji
There's no arguing with the list of crimes Bubu. And what should NZ do when they see this criminal numbskull nominated to fill the Counsellor position. If they knock him back Frank will claim they're not serious about trying to get better communications. If they accept him it looks like they approve of a military dictatorship.
But another issue is whether his appointment would help or harm the regime. Leweni is an incompetent fool. No-one knows this better than all his army buddies. They're in no doubt that he owes his promotion up through the ranks to one thing only - his dog-like attachment to Frank.
Wherever Frank has put him, Leweni has caused problems. His stupidity is like Frank's stupidity magnified. Frank usually knows when to get a smart mouth to talk for him. Leweni hasn't a clue about how dumb he is. Jim Ah Koy had to get him out of Beijing. Frank probably realises that he has to get him out of Communications.
If NZ knocks Leweni back the Military Council will tell Frank the nomination was a bad idea, which makes Frank likely to explode but will he spit the dummy and refuse to talk to NZ. Who knows?
But whatever happens, Frank will stand by his buddy. Their partnership is Dumb and Dumber. It can only hasten the end of this criminal regime which has cost our nation so much.
Long live Leweni, he's a ray off hope for return to democracy.
Anonymous 2 You said it! The mouthpieces are the stupids, puppets on a string - the manipulators are in the background well hidden from sight.
Let’s hope that krudd wakes smith from his slumber and gets him to respond to the oppressive regime that will be unleashed in Fiji in a few hours.
Why I could go to jail for life for saying that bananainpyjamas is the biggest loser ever in the dictator stakes.
Wake up krudd; our neighbours are hurting.
For the first time in your life, do something that actually makes a difference.
Update the travel advisories to inform Australians who are misguided enough to travel to Fiji, that they have N O legal protection whilst they are in a military dictatorship.
One slip of the tongue over a beer in a bar in Fiji could find an Australian tourist behind bars in a third world prison for the rest of their life.
The illegal, immoral, ill-conceived ‘decrees’ by the jaundiced junta are meant to put away all of the opponents of the illegal junta; many tourists will also get caught in this draconian nonsense.
KRUDD; wake up! Do something to help Fijians and Australians.
Michael Field is back at
Some good reads.
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