And indeed so it has come to pass. On full gruesome display to the world for the past 18 months.
How many more times are the people of Fiji to wake up to an idiot's rambling and fractured declarations ?

The most recent example being Bhai's attempt to re-interpret Minister Sevele's words in regards to yet another pitted promise of ELECTIONS ......
Caught in an outright lie.
A little bird in the corridors of the junta also tells me that the ELECTIONS that we are now NOT going to have IS BECAUSE the master programme for breaking down all indigenous institutions and Fijian intelligentsia isn't completed yet - howzzat for another bizarre illogic typical of this regime?
So introduce all the delay tactics such as we are seeing now.

As fellow blog site Fiji Democracy said last week :
“The biggest enemy of our illegal military-backed regime has always been the truth.
The truth about the economy, the truth about the beatings and killings in the wake of Frank Bainimarama’s 2006 coup, the truth about the promised election, the truth about Mahendra Chaudhry’s bank accounts and tax affairs, the truth about the CRW killings in 2000, the truth about death threat to diplomats, the truth about the manipulation of the judiciary and the civil service.
The junta that is running this country into the ground hates the truth! That is why it seeks to impose control over our free media.
That is why our beloved Fiji is being turned into a pathetic imitation of Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Soviet Union or Mugabe’s Zimbabwe. That is why we know we are living under a dictatorship."
Tukana Bovoro was one such person who was brave enough to tell people he didnt agree with their sledgehammer policies and witness what has happened to him via a puppet board placed at FDB by Choro-ry.

Don't you worry my petals .... good citizens unjustly treated like Justice Fatiaki, Qarase, Ratu Joni, Bavoro, Banuve, Anare Jale, Moses Driver, Joe Mar, Bainimara, Imrana Jalal, Richard Naidu, Tupou Draunidalo, Pene Nonu, Lallun Khan, Kevueli Bulamainaivalu, Semesa Karavaki, Apisalome Tudreu, Sakeasi Ditoka , Ilaitia Tamata, Bulou Rakuita, Paula Uluinaceva, Adi Litia Qionibaravi, Ro Filipe, Ro Teimumu Kepa, Ratu Saki, Viliame Leqa, Litia Mawi, etc etc haven't been forgotten ... for by virtue of their nature they will always rise to bloom again.
Nothing like mere weeds can stop their inner growth and maturity. After all shallow rooted people, cannot make deep rooted people.
Thanks for jogging my memory Bubu with the "don't you worry my petals" remark. I've just remembered who the Koroi reminds me of. Why possums - it's Dame Edna dressed up as a minstrel and trying to disguise her undercarriage.
ROFL - Tim my possum you have just won my Gladioli award for the month!
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